5 Development Guide for Hardware Products

This chapter focuses on the usage methods of SDK on different Pico devices, and developers can choose what they need.

5.1 General Introduction of Pico Devices

5.1.1 General usage tutorial

For XR Interaction Toolkit, please refer to the official tutorial at https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit@0.9/manual/index.html

5.1.2 Pico controller introduction

1、Enter PicoXR Plugin> Assets> Resources> Prefabs, and place ControllerModel prefab into the scene just as shown below:


Fig 5.1 Location to place controller prefab

2、Use customized controller model

To use customized controller model (e.g. pistol, slingshot, wand, sword etc.), please check this option, or choose not to place the prefab of ControllerModel.


Fig 5.2 Custom controller model option

5.2 Introduction to Pico Neo 3 Input

Using keys and Joysticks of the two controllers needs related APIs referenced in Chapter 7. Here are the correspondence XR API parameters for Pico Neo 3 controller buttons:


Fig 5.3 Key mapping diagram (front view)


Fig 5.4 Key mapping diagram (side view)

Buttons Input event
Menu CommonUsages.menuButton
Trigger CommonUsages.TriggerButton
Grip CommonUsages.GripButton
Joystick CommonUsages.primary2DAxisClick
X/A CommonUsages.primaryButton
Y/B CommonUsages.secondaryButton

5.3 Pico Headsets Buttons

The table below clarifies the correspondence of buttons on the headset and KeyCode in Unity.

HMD Buttons Input Buttons in Unity
Return Button KeyCode.Escape
Confirm Button KeyCode.JoystickButton0
Home Button KeyCode.Home (occupied by the system and not open by default)
Volume Up Button Android Standard VOLUME_UP (occupied by the system and not open by default)
Volume Down Button Android Standard VOLUME_DOWN (occupied by the system and not open by default)

Note: Using Keycode. JoystickButton0 is not applicable when using the new Input system. If you still want to use the old input manager to get the headset confirm key value, You will need to check “Both” or “Input Manager(Old)” in Player Settings-> Player-> Other Settings->Active Input Handling* option.


Fig 5.5 Switch between old and new input systems