2 Instructions for SDK configuration

2.1 Supported devices

Pico G2 4K series, Pico Neo 2 series, Pico Neo 3 series

2.2 Development environment requirements

Software name Version information
Unreal Engine 4.25, 4.26, 4.27
Visual Studio VS2017 or later
Android Works Try to use the Latest version

The SDK has no special requirements for the PUI version of the VR headset, but the latest version should be ensured as much as possible.

For Android Works, please refer to: Installation of https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Platforms/Mobile/Android/InstallingAndroidCodeWorksAndroid.

For 4.25 and later versions, please refer to this website for Android environment configuring: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Platforms/Mobile/Android/Setup/AndroidStudio/index.html.

Be sure to check “Game development with C++” when installing Visual Studio 2017 or above:


Figure 2.1 Installation options for Visual Studio 2017


Figure 2.2 Installation options for Visual Studio 2019