6 Summary of API Function¶
6.1 Get version information¶
Function name: String getSDKVersion ()
Functions: Get SDK version number.
Parameter: none
Return value: SDK version number
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.getSDKVersion ()
6.2 Render related¶
Function name: void SetEyeBufferSize( int width, int height)
Functions: Set the size of eye buffers. And this function should be called while activity “onResume()” to make it effective. It can’t take effect dynamically.
Parameter: width: length in horizontal direction ;height: length in vertical direction .
Return value: none
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.SetEyeBufferSize( 1920, 1920 )
Function name: int GetEyeBufferWidth()
Functions: Get the width of eye buffers.
Parameter: none
Return value: width of eye buffers.
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.GetEyeBufferWidth()
Function name: int GetEyeBufferHeight()
Functions: Get the height of eye buffers.
Parameter: none
Return value: height of eye buffers.
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.GetEyeBufferHeight()
Function name: void setProjectionFov(float fovDegreesX, float fovDegreesY)
Functions: Set render FOV value. At present, the two values should be the same. And this function should be called while activity “onResume()” to make it effective. It can’t take effect dynamically.
Parameter: fovDegreesX: FOV in horizontal direction ;fovDegreesY: FOV in vertical direction .
Return value: none
Method of calling: PicovrSDK. setProjectionFov (120f,120f)
Function name: void nativeSetMultisamples(long nativePtr, int samples)
Functions: Set the property of eyebuffer anti-aliasing. Please note that this is a member function of VRActivity and should be called in onCreate() of its sub-class. If too late, it may not take effect because eyebuffer has completed initialization.
Parameter: nativePtr: A pointer to NativeApp instance. In the oncreate() function of vractivity, getnativeptr() will be called and the return value will be saved in the member variable “nativePtr”. Please pass in the variable as a parameter directly;
Samples: Anti-aliasing sampling multiple, currently supports 0, 2, 4.
Return value: none
Method of calling: this.nativeSetMultisamples(this.nativePtr,4);
6.3 Sensor tracking related¶
Function name: int startSensor (int index)
Functions: Start sensor tracking
Parameter: 0
Return value: 0: Call success; 1: Call failure
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.startSensor (0)
Function name: int stopSensor (int index)
Functions: Stop sensor tracking
Parameter: 0
Return value: 0: Call success; 1: Call failure
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.stopSensor(0)
Function name: int resetSensor (int index)
Functions: Reset sensor tracking, the direction is determined by the system, and the horizontal and vertical directions are reset by default
Parameter: 0
Return value: 0: Call success; 1: Call failure
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.resetSensor (0)
Function name: int resetSensorWithOption (int index, int resetRot, int resetPos)
Functions: Selectively reset sensor attitude and position
Parameter: index: 0 resetRot: Orientation resetPos: Position 0: Not reset 1: Reset
Return value: 0: Call success; 1: Call failure
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.resetSensorWithOption(0,1,1)
Function name: float [] GetMainSensor ()
Functions: Get the direction and position data of the main Sensor. Please call it after the SDK is running normally. If the SDK is not initialized normally, the call fails and the default value is returned.
Parameter: none
Return value: float array, including {x, y, z, w, px, py, pz}
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.GetMainSensor()
Function name: float [] getHmdPose (float time)
Functions: Get the predicted direction and position data of the main Sensor. Please call it after the SDK is running normally. If the SDK is not initialized normally, the call fails and the default value is returned.
Parameter: time: predict time, unit is millisecond
Return value: float array, including {x, y, z, w, px, py, pz}
Method of calling: for example, predict the data after 50ms, PicovrSDK.getHmdPose( 50 )
Function name: float getPredictedDisplayTime( )
Functions: Predict the time interval for the next frame to refresh to the screen.
Parameter: none.
Return value: millisecond.
Method of calling: for example, float predict = PicovrSDK.getPredictedDisplayTime( );
Function name: int getPredictedHeadPoseState(float timeInMs, float[] data, long[] timeStamp)
Functions: Obtain the pose data of the specified prediction time.
timeInMs: Prediction time, unit is millisecond.
data: Contains the acquired pose data, in order of {x, y, z, w, px, py, pz}.
timestamp: Contains the timestamp of the acquired pose, in order of { poseTimeStampNs, poseFetchTimeNs, expectedDisplayTimeNs }.
Return value: The quality of pose data increases from 0 to 3
Method of calling: for example, predict the data after 50ms, PicovrSDK.getPredictedHeadPoseState( 50, poseData, poseTime);
Function name: void nativeSetRenderPose( long nativePtr, float[] pose, long[] timeStamp )
Functions: Submit the pose data used for rendering the scene to the SDK. This interface should be called in “onFrameEnd”. If you choose to use the pose data in callback interface “onFrameBegin”, you do not need to call this interface again.
nativePtr : NativeApp pointer. Store in “nativePtr” field when VRActivity be created.
pose : pose data in order of {x, y, z, w, px, py, pz}.
timestamp : timestamps of pose data in order of { poseTimeStampNs, poseFetchTimeNs, expectedDisplayTimeNs }.
Return value: none
Method of calling: for example, nativeSetRenderPose(nativePtr,poseData,poseTime);
6.4 Power, volume and brightness related¶
Note: Please apply for permission to modify system settings before realizing these functions. Refer to Android Universal Implementation Solution for details.
Function name: void Pvr_InitAudioDevice (Context context)
Functions: Initialize volume service
Parameter: Context
Return value: none
Method of calling: SysActivity.Pvr_InitAudioDevice (context)
Function name: int Pvr_GetMaxAudionumber ()
Functions: Get maximum volume
Parameter: none
Return value: Maximum volume
Method of calling: SysActivity. Pvr_GetMaxAudionumber ()
Function name: int Pvr_GetAudionumber ()
Functions: Get current volume
Parameter: none
Return value: Current volume value (range from 0 to 15)
Method of calling: SysActivity.Pvr_GetAudionumber ()
Function name: void Pvr_UpAudio ()
Functions: Volume Up
Parameter: none
Return value: none
Method of calling: SysActivity.Pvr_UpAudio ()
Function name: void Pvr_DownAudio ()
Functions: Volume Down
Parameter: none
Return value: none
Method of calling: SysActivity.Pvr_DownAudio ()
Function name: void Pvr_ChangeAudio (int num)
Functions: Set volume
Parameter: Set the volume value (volume value range from 0 to 15)
Return value: none
Method of calling: SysActivity.Pvr_ChangeAudio (num)
Function name: int Pvr_GetCommonBrightness (Context context)
Functions: Get the current common device brightness value
Parameter: Context
Return value: Current brightness value (brightness values range from 0 to 255)
Method of calling: SysActivity.Pvr_GetCommonBrightness (context)
Function name: boolean Pvr_SetCommonBrightness (int num, Context context)
Functions: Set the current common device brightness value
Parameter: Current brightness value (brightness values range from 0 to 255), Context
Return value: true: true, false: false
Method of calling: SysActivity.Pvr_SetCommonBrightness (num,context)
6.5 Controller related¶
6.5.1 Pico Goblin/G2¶
Description for main class:
- HbManager.java
※public void InitServices()
Initialize and bind HummingBirdControllerService
※public void Pause() , public void Resume()
When the program enters the background, unregister the broadcast receiver and unbind HummingBirdControllerService. Reconnect it when resumed.
※public void setHbListener(HbListener listener)
Set listener for HbController
※public HbController getHbController()
Get HbController object
- HbController.java
HbController class will be updated to the internal variables after getting the controller data from system-related service, which can be got from the functional interface. See Table 6.1 for details.
※public void Start() , public void Stop()
Control the registration and logout of listeners
※public void update()
Update the controller data (acceleration, angular velocity, quaternion, and key values), and notify the listener to execute the corresponding callback function
※public void startUpdateThread(), public void stopUpdateThread()
Control the start and end of internal update thread in HbController The thread calls update( ) every 15ms to read the controller data when the controller is connected. Developers can use the thread directly or call the update( ) interface as needed.
API | Description |
public int getConnectState() | Get the controller connection status , Return value 0: Disconnect , Return value 1: Connecting , Return value 2: Connected |
public boolean getButtonState(ButtonNum b) | Get the controller specified key status, (False: Up True: Down) |
public int getBatteryLevel() | Get the controller power, Return value range: 1~5 |
public Orientation getOrientation() | Get the quaternion to which the controller is currently pointing {x,y,z,w} See com.picovr.client.Orientation class for the return value of SDK interface |
public float[] getAccel() | Get the acceleration data of the controller {x,y,z} It’s a Float[3] array |
public float[] getAngular() | Get the angular velocity data of the controller {x,y,z} It’s a Float[3] array |
public long getLastUpdateTimeStamp() | Get the timestamp of the last update data for the controller. |
public boolean isTouching() | Query whether the controller TouchPad is in touch state (False: Not touch, true: Touching) |
public int[] getTouchPosition() | Get the touch coordinates of the controller TouchPad {x,y} |
public int getTrigerKeyEvent() | Get the analog data of Trigger key of the controller (valid for G2 controller) Return value: 0,Up;1,Down |
Table 6.1 HbController Function Interface
- HbListener.java
※ public void onConnect();
Controller connection
※ public void onDisconnect();
Controller disconnection
※ public void onDataUpdate();
Controller data updated
※ public void onReCenter();
It has no actual function. Abandoned.
※ public void onBindService();
System HummingBirdControllerService bound successfully
6.5.2 Pico Neo/Neo 2/Neo 3¶
The following are the main class descriptions in the jar package:
- CVControllerManager.java
※ public void bindService() , public void unbindService()
Responsible for binding and unbinding system services, called when the application starts and pauses, such as onResume, onPause for Activity.
※ public void setListener(CVControllerListener listener)
Set up the listener to callback the notifications of the controller status.
※ public CVController getMainController() , public CVController getSubController()
Only for Pico Neo, you can get the objects of the main controller and the sub-controller by these interfaces.
※ public CVController getLeftController() , public CVController getRightController()
Only for Pico Neo 2/Neo 3, you can get the objects of the left controller and the right controller by these interfaces. Note that, for Pico Neo 2/Neo 3, if you need getting the main/sub attribute of controllers, you can call the following interface:
Its return value is serial number of controllers. Value 0 means that left controller is main. Value 1 means that right controller is main.
※ public void updateControllerData(float[] hmdData) Only applicable for Pico Neo 2/Neo 3, use this interface to update controller data
- CVController.java
- Before acquiring controller data using APIs listed below, it’s required to firstly call interface CVControllerManager.updateControllerData(float[] hmdData)
public void onFrameBegin(HmdState hmdState) {
float[] hmdOrientation = hmdState.getOrientation();
float[] hmdPosition = hmdState.getPos();
float[] hmdData = new float[7];
hmdData[0] = hmdOrientation[0];
hmdData[1] = hmdOrientation[1];
hmdData[2] = hmdOrientation[2];
hmdData[3] = hmdOrientation[3];
hmdData[4] = hmdPosition[0];
hmdData[5] = hmdPosition[1];
hmdData[6] = hmdPosition[2];
API | Description |
public int getConnectState() | Get the controller connection status Return value 0: Disconnect Return value 1: Connect |
public int getSerialNum() | Get the serial number identification of the controller.Neo controller is universal. This serial number is only for index, and has no practical significance.Neo2/Neo3 controller hardware is divided into left and right. 0 represents left hand and 1 represents right hand. |
public int get6DofAbility() | Get the ability of the controller 6Dof, Return value 1: Support 3Dof only, Return value 0 or 2: Support 6Dof |
public boolean getButtonState(ButtonNum b) | Get the controller specified key status (False: Up True: Down) |
public int getBatteryLevel() | Get the controller power. Return value scope: Pico Neo ,0~10 Pico Neo2/Neo3 ,1~5 |
public float[] getOrientation() | Get the quaternion to which the controller is currently pointing {x,y,z,w},The interface returns to Float[4] array |
public float[] getPosition() | Get the position data of the controller {x,y,z}, The interface returns to Float[3] array |
public float[] getAcc() | Get the acceleration data of the controller {x,y,z}, It’s a Float[3] array |
public float[] getAgl() | Get the angular velocity data of the controller {x,y,z},It’s a Float[3] array |
public int getTriggerNum() | Get the trigger data of the Trigger key for the controller Range 0~255 |
public int[] getTouchPad () | Get the touch coordinates of the controller TouchPad {x,y},The interface returns to int[2] array |
public float[] getDataPredict(float var1) | Get the direction and position data predicted of the controller. Parameter: predicted time in millisecond. The interface returns an array of float [7], including {x, y, z, w, px, py, pz} |
public static void vibrateCV2ControllerStrength(float strength,int time,int controllerSerialNum) Note: this interface is defined in ControllerClient class, can be called by using ControllerClient.vibrateCV2ControllerStrength. | Set the vibration of controller. Parameter: strength, range 0~1 time, range 0~65535 ms ; controllerSerialNum, 0 left, 1 right |
Table 6.2 CVController Function Interface
- CVControllerListener.java
※ Public void onBindSuccess();
Binding system service succeeded.
※ public void onBindFail();
Binding system service abnormally disconnected
※ public void onThreadStart();
Binding system service successfully, start normal operation
※ public void onConnectStateChanged(int serialNum,int state);
Controller connection status changes, serialNum: controller serial no., state: connection
※ public void onMainControllerChanged(int serialNum);
Main controller changes, serialNum: main controller serial no.
On Pico Neo, the objects of the main and sub controllers can be updated through “getMainController” and “getSubController” after receiving the notification.
On Pico Neo 2/Neo 3, you always get the object of the left controller through “getMainController”, and get the object of the right controller through “getSubController”.
※ public void onChannelChanged(int device, int channel);
The connection channel of controller changes. device: controller serial no., channel: connection channel.
6.5.3 ArmModel simulation¶
SDK provides an algorithm that simulates the ArmModel for use with 3dof controller. It can simulate the motion path of human arm, calculate a 3d coordinate, and apply the coordinate to the rendering of the controller model to make up for the lack of 6dof data, so as to make the experience more real.
Function name: int getPvrHandness(Context context)
Functions: Get the leftgrip and rightgrip parameters in system settings
Parameter: context
Return value: 0, rightgrip; 1, leftgrip.
Method of calling: VrActivity.getPvrHandness(context)
Function name: void setArmModelParameter(int hand, int gazeType, float elbowHeight, float elbowDepth, float pointerTiltAngle);
Functions: Set ArmModel parameter
Parameter: hand 0: right hand, 1: left hand, default 0
gazeType 0: Never,1: During Motion, 2: Always, Default 1
elbowHeight default 0.0f
elbowDepth default 0.0f
pointerTiltAngle default 15.0f
Return value: none
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.setArmModelParameter(0,1,0,0,15)
Function name: void setControllerData (float[] orientation, float[] accel, float[] gyro, int[] keyData )
Functions: transfer the controller data to ArmModel
Parameter: orientation, quaternion
accel, accelerometer data
Gyro, Gyroscope data
keyData, Key data
Return value: none
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.setControllerData ( orientation, accel, gyro, keyData )
Function name: void calcArmModelParameters ()
Functions: calculate ArmModel position according to controller data Note that calls should be made before getPointerPose ().
Parameter: none
Return value: none
Method of calling: PicovrSDK. calcArmModelParameters()
Function name: void getPointerPose ( float[] rotation, float[] position)
Functions: get the position and direction of the controller calculated by ArmModel
Parameter: rotation , quaternion
position ,three-dimensional coordinate
Return value: none
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.getPointerPose ( rotation, position)
6.6 SeeThrough Camera related¶
Function name: void GetSeethroughFrameFU(int eye, int textureId);
Functions: assign seethrough image data to texture
Parameter:eye: 0:LeftEye,1: RightEye,
textureId: opengl texture handle
Return value: none
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.GetSeeThroughFrameFU(eye, textureId)
Function name: void SetCameraImageRect(int width, int height)
Functions: set the width and height of the seethrough image, In pixels
Parameter:width: the width of the image,
height: the height of the image
Return value: none
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.SetCameraImageRect(width, height);
Function name: void StartCameraPreview(int value)
Function: enable/disable seethrough camera preview
Parameter: value 0: disable,1: enable
Return value: none
Method of calling: PicovrSDK.StartCameraPreview(value);