7 Payment System

7.1 Development environment requirements

This document is mainly designed for Android development environment, ADB drivers and corresponding SDK versions of the Eclipse + ADT or Android studio installed by Android development engineers. The environment configuration is not described here.

7.1.1 Android development environment requirements

Software name Version information
JDK jdk1.7.0_01 and above
Android SDK API Level 19 and above

7.1.2 Import JAR package of SDK

Put the jar package provided in the SDK package under the folder of Eclipse or AndroidStudio libs, as shown below. The name of jar package shall be subject to the practice:


In Eclipse or Android Studio, right-click to add to the library of the project.

7.1.3 Get KEY

If you are not a developer of Pico, please visit the Pico official website to access the Developer Center to register a developer account. After registration and application, you can obtain the APP ID, APP KEY, APP SECRET and merchant ID of the corresponding game or application. Please check in the Administration Center for details.

Please note that you need to confirm whether the APP you developed is an application type or a game type, so that the corresponding payment method is different. Please check 7.3.4 Make a payment for details.

7.2 Introduction to SDK package

7.2.1 Directory structure for the payment demo

You can see the hierarchy directory in the project as shown in figure 7.2.1.


Figure 7.2.1 Directory Structure

The whole project is a Demo to implement SDK functions.

The “libs” directory is the JAR compiled by the SDK, which is relied on by the Demo project.

Source code of the Demo program should be stored under the “src” directory.

Developers can import projects to run in AndroidStudio.

7.3 Use of payment

7.3.1 Corresponding parameters and name explanation

Pico provides developers with authentication based on Oauth2.0 mode, enabling third-party applications or games to conduct authorization and login without requiring login, and providing client’s authorization mode. After authorization, the open interface provided by Pico can be used to get the basic information of users and facilitate the integration of third-party developers.

Name of parameter Application of parameter Source of parameter
APP_ID AppId assigned to each third-party application for authentication Developer platform
SCOPE Apply for authorizable content or scope Developer platform (tentative: get_user_info)
APP_KEY appkey assigned to each third-party application Developer platform
DEVELOPER_ID Developer ID Developer platform
App_SECRET Payment key Developer platform

Introduction to payment:

  1. Pico payment is a game currency payment system based on Pico account system. Before using the relevant interface, you need to login first, and then you can use the payment function.
  2. The settlement method shall be subject to the current game currency unit under Pico (P currency).
  3. Please recharge your account at the Pico user center.

7.3.3 Login first

Login requires the following steps:

>Method for using login

// 1. Create the core class for authorization
Login mLogin = new Login(activity);//The parameter here must be passed in the Activity's object, or it will cause the login to fail.
// 2. Use login for authentication
mLogin.login(new Callback());//Please see the following for MloginCallback parameter:Implement callback loginCallBack

>Implement callback CallBack

Login results are called back through this interface. isSuccess returns to true, meaning login successfully, to false, meaning login failed, reason will return relevant login information.

Callback callback = new Callback() {
public void loginCallback(boolean isSuccess, String reason) {
    //1. isSuccess returns to true, meaning login successfully
    //2. isSuccess returns to false, meaning login failed
       //3. The reason parameter will display the information about specific login successes and failures.
   if (isSuccess) {//
        Toast.makeText(AuthActivity.this, "login successfully", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
     } else {

>Override onActivityResult

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        // Activity that initiates the client login must override onActivityResults, writing steps are as follows:
if (mLogin != null) {
    mLogin.authorizeCallBack(requestCode, resultCode, data);

A complete Pico authentication process has been completed hereto.

Login only once and pay it directly. The login is valid for about two weeks, after which the payment interface will have a return code 7.5 Return code table,user can login again。

>Get information such as user avatar and nickname

Use the core class Login:

mLogin.getUserInfo(new RequestListener() {
public void onComplete(String paramString) {
     //json data is returned and parses it by itself, please check the following example of return results

public void onException(PicoException paramException) {
     //exception information

Example of return results:

openid will return, and other data will be returned depending on the integrity of the user’s data.

"ret_code": "0000",
"data": {
    "aboutme": "",
    "birthday": 1460476800000,
    "phone": "13585455789",//phone number
    "username": "Polaris",   //user name
    "email": "123456@163.com",//email
    "gender": "male",
    "lastname": "",
    "openid": "4f3148bdc34d9bca104927729a173b64",//unique identifier (must be returned)
    "firstname": "",
    "avatar": "",
    "signature": "14a25d7219d8dfc91e55f63286ae5c0a",
    "country": "China",
    "city": ""
  "ret_msg": "call successfully"


Callback when the account logs out, and clear the login data:

mLogin.login(Context context,Callback callback);//Please see the following for callback parameter:Implement callback loginCallBack

Note: due to the authorization mode of login, if the logout operation is not called, the payment operation can be carried out within a certain period of time when the account is logged out, so it is recommended to conduct the call.

7.3.4 Make a payment

Before payment, please confirm that you have logged in, please check:7.3.3 Login first for details:

There are two payment methods:

APP Payment method:
Application By P currency
Game By product code

Note payment by product code is a new payment method of developer platform, and is specially designed for games. Developers need to create different products under the games of the developer platform, and fill in its own product codes. Then, during the development of games, developers do not need to fill in the amount of commodities, but fill in the corresponding commodity codes to pay by calling corresponding payment interfaces.

When you create an application on the developer platform, it is confirmed that you use one of the two payment methods mentioned above. The two payment methods are mutually exclusive.

1.Call payment interfaces:

Parameter description (please refer to`7.3.1 Corresponding parameters and name explanation`_):

  • context : context
  • PayOrder : include the object of PayOrder class of order information, please check PayOrder Description
  • PayCallback : payment callback interface

Payment callback information shall be executed by above Callback. Please check the PayCallBack callback for details.

PayOrder is a Model class containing order information. Because payment methods are divided into two categories, the required parameters are different. The following are creation methods and required parameters:

  1. Payment by P currency (common payment method) —add the amount of P currency required
// Order information - Followings are required parameters
PayOrder order = new PayOrder();               //create order object
order.setBusinessOrder(order number);                //the order number generated by the merchant itself, within 32 characters, may contain letters and numbers.
order.setTotalFree(money);                     //amount of P currency spent
order.setSubject(“title of order");                  //title of order
order.setBody("commodity description");                     //product description
order.setNotifyUrl("http:www.picovr.com");   //Callback address—game server notification address(not required)see Developer server interaction
  1. Payment by product code——————-add required product codes
// Order information - Followings are required parameters
 PayOrder order = new PayOrder();
 order.setBusinessOrder(order No.);
 order.setPayCode( commodity codes );                     //required product codes
 order.setSubject(“title of order");
 order.setBody("product description");

PayCallBack payment callback

class MyPaySdkCallBack implements PaySdkCallBack {

public void callback(String code, String msg) {
            //payment callback interface, callback information is Code and Msg. For corresponding information, please check Return Code Comparison Table
public void exceptionCallBack(String msg) {
     //exception information callback

7.3.5 Query order information

Parameter description((please refer to 7.3.1 Corresponding parameters and name explanation):

  • context : context
  • orderNum : the order number generated by the developer itself, please refer to:
PicoPay.getInstance(context).queryOrders(orderNum,new Callback());

Payment callback information shall be executed by above Callback. The json information got when msg returns,please check 7.3.4 Make a payment.

An example of the msg parameter returned, noted as key parameter

"trade_no":"22016082314719505878171324",//Pico payment order No.
"pay_time":1471950587000,//payment completion time
"out_trade_no":"12345678903",//internal order number of merchant system, that is the order number passed in when payment is made
"trade_status":"SUCCESS", //SUCCESS—Successful payment
                        //REFUND—Refund transferred
                        //NOTPAY—Not paid
                        //PAYERROR--Payment failed
                        //FINISHED--Transaction finished, non-refundable
"total_fee":100.00,//Total order amount
"receipt_fee":100.00,//Paid-in amount
"buyer_pay_fee":100.00//The amount paid by the buyer

7.4 Other settings

7.4.1 About debug

Open Debug to view part of data information and returned Log. Open by:

LogUtils.enableLog();//Invoke before authorized initialization

7.5 Return code table

Code Message
00000 Network anomaly
10000 Login successfully
10001 Not login
10002 Please fill in correct amount
10003 Login expired, please login again
11000 Verify successfully
11001 Failed verification
11002 User verification parameter error or request expired
11003 Not verified
12000 Payment successful
12001 Payment failed
12003 Insufficient P currency
12004 Balance available
13000 Order generated
13001 Failed to acquire data
13002 Failed to generate order
14000 Query order successfully
14001 Order does not exist /incorrect
14002 User cancels the payment
15000 Product information not filled in
15001 Prepaid ID not filled in
15002 Please fill in Pico payment order number or merchant order number
NOAUTH Merchant has no interface permission
SYSTEMERROR System error
APP_ID_NOT_EXIST APP_ID does not exist
APP_ID_MCHID_NOT_MATCH App_id and mch_id are mismatched
LACK_PARAMS Missing parameters
SIGNERROR Wrong signature
NO_DATA No data is found / the user does not recharge
ORDER_EXIST Order already exists
PAY_CODE_NOT_EXIST Consumption code does not exist
PAY_CODE_EXIST The user has consumed the product code

7.6 About ProGuard

The following codes need to be added to the proguard-rules.pro (or proguard-rules.txt) of the app:

-keep class com.pico.loginpaysdk.** { *; }

7.7 Payment servers interactive

After the payment is completed, the payment system will send the relevant payment results and user information to the merchant, and the merchant needs to receive and process them and return a response.

When the background notifies the interaction, if the receiving of the merchant’s response by the payment system receives is not successful or overtime, the notification should be considered as failed, and the payment system will periodically resend the notification through certain policies to maximize the success rate of the notification, but it may not guarantee that the notification will be eventually successful.

Note: the same notification may be sent to the merchant system repeatedly. The merchant system must be able to process duplicate notifications correctly.

The recommended practice is to firstly check the status of the corresponding service data when it receives and processes the notification, and determine whether the notification has been processed. It should be re-processed if it has not been processed, and it will return to the result (success) directly if it has been processed. Before the status check and processing of business data, data locks should be used for concurrency control to avoid data confusion caused by function reentry.

Attention: the merchant system must verify the signature for the contents of the payment result notification to prevent the data leakage from causing “false notification” and causing financial losses. Please check 7.7.3 Signature verification

Interface link is the submitted parameter notify_url in PayOrder through payment. If the link is unaccessible, the merchant will fail to receive notification. The notification url must be a directly accessible url and cannot carry parameters.

The merchant server needs to implement the following interface for receiving the request from the Pico server and get the payment result and user information of the Pico payment system

Name Payment result callback interface
Request type POST
Request URL Pay, parameter notify_url transmitted by PayOrder
Request format JSON
Return format JSON
Is login required Yes
Request parameter For details, see 7.7.1 Notification parameter for the notification parameters in payment result notification”
Return Params
Name of Parameter Type and range Description
ret_code string Wrong code
ret_msg string Wrong message string
For details, please check`7.7.2 Return results`_
Return parameter example {“ret_code”: “SUCCESS”,”ret_msg” : “OK”}
Update instruction  

7.7.1 Notification parameter

Field name Variable name Required Type Description
Return status code ret_code Yes String SUCCESS/FAIL This field is the communication identifier, rather than transaction identifier. The result_code needs to be checked to determine whether the transaction is successful.
Return information ret_msg No String For return information, in case of not empty, it may be caused due to error of signature failure and parameter format check error
Error code sub_code No String Error code
Error code description sub_msg No String Wrongly returned information error
Pico payment order number trade_no Yes String Pico payment order number
Merchant order number out_trade_no Yes String The order number within the merchant system,
Application ID app_id Yes String Application APP_ID approved by the platform
Merchant ID mch_id Yes String Assigned merchant number for payment
User identifier open_id Yes String Unique identifier of the user under the merchant appid
Device number device_id No String Terminal device number
Random string nonce_str Yes String Random string: no longer than 32 bits. Random Number Generation Algorithm is recommended
Signature signature Yes String Signature, for details, see Signature Generation Algorithm
Business result result_code Yes String SUCCESS/FAIL
Transaction type trade_type Yes String Payment type
Currency type fee_type Yes String Currency type
Total amount total_fee Yes String Total order amount
Paid-in amount receipt_fee Yes String Paid-in amount
The amount paid by the buyer buyer_pay_fee No String The amount paid by the buyer
Voucher or discount coupon_fee No String Voucher or discount
Merchant data package attach No String Merchant data package, returned as it is
Payment completion time pay_time Yes String Payment completion time, in the format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm:ss

7.7.2 Return results

Field name Variable name Required Type Description
Return status code ret_code Yes String SUCCESS/FAIL SUCCESS indicates that the merchant received the notification successfully and verified it successfully.
Return information ret_msg No String For return information, in case of not empty, it may be caused due to error of signature failure and parameter format check error


Examples are as follows:

{"ret_code":" SUCCESS","ret_msg":"OK"}

7.7.3 Signature verification

The signature verification rule is as follows:

  1. Delete the signature parameter in the returned parameter list, and add key=“app_secret”,value=App Secret, then sort it naturally according to the key value, separate the multiple parameters with &, and finally take MD5 encryption
  2. Compare the encrypted string with the signature got

The signature function is as follows:

 * result: map set of data got
 *  App Secret :the App Secret on the developer platform
  public static String createSign(Map<String, Object> result, String App Secret) {
  if (result ==null || result.size()==0)
     return null;
  result.put("app_secret", App Secret);           //1. Add key = “app_secret”,value=appSecret
  String sign = result.get("signature");      //2. Save the value of the signature for verification
  result.remove("signature");                  //3.Remove signature parameter
  String[] tmp = new String[result.size()];
  int i = 0;
  for (String key : result.keySet()) {
     tmp[i++] = key;
   Arrays.sort(tmp);                              //4.Natural ordering
   String sign = "";
   for (String string : tmp) {
     if(m.get(string) == null)
     sign += string + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(m.get(string).toString(),"utf-8") + "&";
   if (sign.endsWith("&"))
     sign = sign.substring(0, sign.length() - 1);
     Log.i(TAG, "createSign: "+sign);
    String localSign = MD5.MD5(sign);            //5.Generate MD5 encrypted string
    return localSign.equal(sign);                //6.Verify it with the sign of 2