4 Use your own C++ class to call function defined in the xml file

Please follow these steps to call functions defined in xml file.

    1. Ensure “AndroidJNI.h” and “AndroidApplication.h”to be included in the cpp file.
    1. Get Java runtime environment by using FAndroidApplication::GetJavaEnv().
    1. Use JavaWrapper::FindMethod() to obtain ID of the java function defined in xml file.
    1. For example, use FJavaWrapper::CallBooleanMethod() to invoke Android API which returns boolean value. For other different definitions, you need use corresponding FJavaWrapper methods.

Please refer to the following code:

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "MyBlueprintJarTest.h"
#include "Android/AndroidApplication.h"
#include "Android/AndroidJNI.h"
#include <android/log.h>
void UMyBlueprintJarTest::TestLED(int led, int color, int blink, int ontime, int offtime)
if (JNIEnv* Env = FAndroidApplication::GetJavaEnv())
    static jmethodID Method = FJavaWrapper::FindMethod(Env, FJavaWrapper::GameActivityClassID, "AndroidThunkJava_UEPvr_SetLED", "(IIIII)Z", false);
    FJavaWrapper::CallBooleanMethod(Env, FJavaWrapper::GameActivityThis, Method, led, color, blink, ontime, offtime);