5 Usage of FJavaWrapper

Please note that the interface AndroidThunkJava_UEPvr_SetCurrentBrightness and relevent parameter definition are based on an example which controls LED light on headset (internal dev kits, not available). Developer need to substitute depending on the circumstances.

Usage of FJavaWrapper::FindMethod()

  • Call Example:


  • Parameter:

a. Env

Java environment, you can get it using FAndroidApplication::GetJavaEnv() method,

b. FJavaWrapper::GameActivityClassID

This parameter is the java function you added in GameActivity of the xml file. GameAcitivity. You don’t have to modify it. This parameter indicate the function you need is declared in this xml file.

c. AndroidThunkJava_UEPvr_SetCurrentBrightness

This is the function name you defined in xml file. You need to modify it according to xml file you wrote.


This parameter is the input parameter and return parameter of the call function. Inside the bracket are the input type. And outside the bracket are the returned type. In this example, it means input parameters are 5 int type, and return type is 1 bool type.

Please refer to the following list for the type.

Data Type Symbol
Bool Z
Int I
Double D
FString Ljava/lang/String
Void V
int[] [I
double[] [D

Usage of FJavaWrapper::CallBooleanMethod()

  • Call Example:

FJavaWrapper::CallBooleanMethod(Env, FJavaWrapper::GameActivityThis, Method, index,level)

  • Parameters:

a. Env

Java environment, you can get it using FAndroidApplication::GetJavaEnv() method.

b. FJavaWrapper::GameActivityThis

This indicate the GameActivity. You don’t need to modify it.

c. Method

This is the method ID you need to call. In the example, it is the returned value of FJavaWrapper::FinMethod()

d. led, color, blink, ontime, offtime

These are input parameters of the function your defined in xml file. In the example, these are necessary parameters to control LED. You need to modify it according to xml file you wrote.