3 Replacing Launcher on Neo 3 Pro / Neo 3 Pro Eye

3.1 Setting Up the Main Launcher


  1. Download the configuration file config.txt at here.
  1. Modify the config.txt file

    (1)open_guide field: whether to start the safety boundary setting app (for Neo 3 series); 1 - Yes; 0 - No

    (2)home_pkg: configure the package name of the app that needs to be set as the main launcher

  2. After modification, copy the config.txt file to the internal storage folder of device

  3. Reboot device

Note: Do not delete or modify the “———” under open_guide and home_pkg fields.

3.2 Replacing Launcher under Home Screen Settings

To provide more intuitive way of configuring Kiosk Mode, we’ve built a functionality from Pico Business Setting to facilitate Kiosk Mode deployment. The method is described as following:

  1. Click Setting > Developer> Industry settings.
  2. Click Launcher App(Kiosk Mode).
  3. Select the application that you want to use for Kiosk Mode.
  4. Press Home button to return to Launcher and reboot the device. Then the launcher is substituted.

Note: If you’re not seeing the tab “Developer” from Setting menu, please check details from this FAQ link on how to enable it: https://sdk.picovr.com/docs/FAQ/chapter_one.html