.. _4 Quick Start: 4 Quick Start =============================== Step1: Create a new project: ------------------------------ Open Unity and create a new project as shown: .. image:: _static/4.1.png Fig 4.1 Create a new project Step2:Import SDK --------------------------- Enter Windows>Package Manager>+>Add package from disk… .. image:: _static/4.2.png Fig 4.2 Open Package Manager .. image:: _static/4.3.png Fig 4.3 Load package from disk Here will pop up a dialogue box. Click to open package.json file under SDK file folder: .. image:: _static/4.4.png Fig 4.4 Select json file Then wait for the Unity progress bar to finish loading. Step3:Use SDK ----------------------------------------- Enter Project Settings, and select PicoXR under XR Plug-in Management option. .. image:: _static/4.5.png Fig 4.5 Select PicoXR Create an empty scene, right click and select “Room-Scale XR Rig” to build an XR module, just as shown in Fig 4.6: .. image:: _static/4.6.png Fig 4.6 Build XR scene Add PXR_Manager script for XR Rig: .. image:: _static/4.7.png Fig 4.7 Add PXR_Manager script Step4:Packaging ----------------------------------------- When packaging, save the current scenes, then enter File>Build Settings, and click “Add Current” to add the current scene to the building list. Select “Android” under Platform, then click “Switch Platform” and finally click “Build” to complete the packaging. .. image:: _static/4.8.png Fig 4.8 Packaging This is a complete process of how to import this SDK. Specific SDK adaptation methods for various hardware products of Pico VR will be given in detail in the following chapters.