2 Video Player Launch

2.1 Action Name

In Android level, you need to initiate an Intent and set the action “picovr.intent.action.player” to start the built-in video player.

2.2 Parameter Introduction

Here are the parameters to input in the Intent. For local video, the uri (path) and title are required. For live stream resource, you should at least input uri.
Parameter Type Remark
uri String Play address (required)
title String The name of the video (required)
videoType String Video type
playTime Int Play the starting point
videoSource String Video Source. 0: online video; 1: local video; 2: flying screen app; 3: live video; 4: lebo app.
scenes Int Change the background.0 for pmax;1 for empty;2 for beach cinema.
position Float Camera position (Available only in cinema mode)
seekPlay Boolean Jump to the last played location.True for playing from start,false for returning to the last point.True means the video will be played from beginning after the screen is off and on again.
loop Boolean Whether videos in a play list are looped.True for looping the list.
isControl Boolean Whether the control panel shows.True for visible.
play_list String The video play list. Format of the list should be JSON.
shouldPlayIndex Int Choose a video in play list to play.

play_list JSON should be recorded as


2.3 Permission

In AndroidManifest.xml file, the following permissions need to be added.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

2.4 Supported Video Format

The video types supported and the parameters for each type are listed below,
Video Type   Parameter
_2D 2D video 0
_3D_LR 3D video with left and right side image combined 1
_360 360 video 2
_3D360_TB 3D 360 video in top and bottom format 3
_3D360_BT 3D 360 video in bottom and top format 4
_3D360_LR 3D 360 video in left and right format 5
_3D360_RL 3D 360 video in right and left format 6
_3D_TB 3D video in top and bottom format 7
_3D_BT 3D video in bottom and top format 8
_3D_RL 3D video in right and left format 9
_180 180° 2D 10
_3D180_TB 180° 3D in top and bottom format 11
_3D180_BT 180° 3D in bottom and top format 12
_3D180_LR 180° 3D in left and right format 13
_3D180_RL 180° 3D in right and left format 14
_2DFishEye 2D video in fisheye mode 15
_3DFishEye_TB 3D video in fisheye mode and top and bottom format 16
_3DFishEye_BT 3D video in fisheye mode and bottom and top format 17
_3DFishEye_LR 3D video in fisheye mode and left and right format 18
_3DFishEye_RL 3D video in fisheye mode and right and left format 19
_CubeMap Youtube 20
_CubeMap_LR Youtube 3D in left and right format 21
Please note if you don’t specify any video type, it will be 0 (2D) by default.

2.5 Sample Code

You can download aar file at https://github.com/picoxr/launch-pico-player/blob/master/resource/launch-pico-player.aar

To call functions in the aar file in a Unity project, please refer to the sample code:

AndroidJavaObject context = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer").GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity");
AndroidJavaObject videoPlayer = new AndroidJavaObject("com.picovr.picoplaymanager.PicovrLaunchPlayer");
videoPlayer.Call<AndroidJavaObject>("uri", "/sdcard/test.mp4", false)
           .Call<AndroidJavaObject>("playTime", 20)
           .Call<AndroidJavaObject>("scenes", 2)
           .Call("launchVideoPlayer", context);