.. _2 General Steps of Replacing the Oculus SDK: 2 General Steps of Replacing the Oculus SDK ================================================= 1. Remove the **Oculus VR Plugin** from Settings/Plugins .. image:: _static/2.1.png Figure 1 Removing Oculus VR Plugin 2. Close the Project 3. Copy the Folder **Plugins** to the Root of your Project .. image:: _static/2.2.png Figure 2 Add the Plugins Folder from the SDK Zip downloaded 4. Open your project clicking in the .uproject file 5. Click on **Yes** on the following dialog: .. image:: _static/2.3.png Figure 3 Compile the Plugin before entering again into your project 6. Wait for the compilation to finish (it may take some time) .. image:: _static/2.4.png Figure 4 Wait until the building process is done 7. Open the windows **Settings/Plugins** and you should see the Pico Plugins enabled .. image:: _static/2.5.png Figure 5 Check all the 3 Pico Plugins enabled 8. If you are using the Visualization Property on your Motion Controller Component,change it for the appropriate device .. image:: _static/2.6.png Figure 6 Change the Visualization of your Motion controller to the proper one 9. Ensure that you have the **View Options** checked for **Show Plugin Content** .. image:: _static/2.7.png Figure 7 Do not forget to enable "Show Plugin Content" to be able to see the models and materials from the Pico Plugin 10. The **Set Tracking Origin** node has two options: **Floor Level** and **Eye Level**. For a seated experience you will need to set the Origin of the Set Tracking Origin node to Eye Level. .. image:: _static/2.8.png Figure 8 Set the Tracking Origin to the Eye Level 11. Next, in the Variables section of the My Blueprint tab, create a new float variable called **Default Player Height** and set the value to 170 (1,70m). 12. Drag the output of the Set Tracking Origin node and search for the AddLocalOffset node, selecting the AddLocalOffset option. .. image:: _static/2.9.png Figure 9 Setting the desired height of your player 13. Connect the **Default Player Height** variable to the **Delta location Z** input on the **AddLocalOffset** node and then press the Compile button and when completed, your Event Graph should look like the following image. 14. Change the Action Mappings to understand the Pico Triggers .. image:: _static/2.10.png Figure 10 Adding the Pico Trigger Axis to function as the MotionController Trigger 15. The default Face Buttons from Unreal Motion Controller are already mapped to the Pico Motion Controllers inputs. 16. In order to create a package, check the option to Pack the game data inside the .apk .. image:: _static/2.11.png Figure 11 Remember to check the option to Package the game data inside .apk 17. To Finish ,select the desired options on the Plugin configuration section at **Project Settings** .. image:: _static/2.12.png Figure 12 Extra options are available through the Project Settings on the Pico Plugin tab