.. _3 Development Notes: 3 Development Notes =============================== 3.1 Enable Developer options ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please check details from this FAQ link on how to enable developer options: https://sdk.picovr.com/docs/FAQ/chapter_one.html 3.2 Android Manifest file ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Add necessary configuration 3.3 Recommended SDK configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------ - For multithreaded rendering, please refer to Unity’s official documentation at https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/SystemInfo-graphicsMultiThreaded.html. - Detection for V Sync Count is needed. Go to Edit > Project Settings > Quality, check Medium under Levels and make sure that Don’t Sync (required) is selected for V Sync Count under Other: .. image:: _static/3.1.png Fig 3.1 Detect V Sync Count 3.4 Known issues ------------------------------------------------------------------ - When Unity Stencil Buffer is used in conjunction with Linear Space, there is a black screen problem on Neo 3. - When using the Scene Quick Preview Tool, if the compiler reports error :”BeginLayoutGroup must be called first”.This is a known issue and should not affect regular usage. - PassThrough is not supported in the Vulkan API. - When RT scale is set over 1.5, it may come to flashing monocolour (black/white) frame or stuck frame of the scene when launching the application. - When RT scale is set over 1.5 and uses Vulkan, there will be a stuck after triggering play boundary in the application. - When using URP, Linear color space and Multiview together in Unity 2021.2.3, there is a black screen problem. - When using Vulkan and Multipass together in the version after Unity2020.3.13, the built apk will crash when the screen is turned on and off continuously. - When using Vulkan, the MRC function and Linear Color Space cannot be used at the same time.