.. _5 Replacing the Oculus SDK with the Pico SDK in other Projects: 5 Replacing the Oculus SDK with the Pico SDK in other Projects ============================================================================== Other Oculus projects can be updated in a similar way as the video player example. Such projects involve the following: - The Oculus player is based on the **GearVrControllerTest** scene. - A room can be replaced by following all of the steps described in the previous section. - A cube can be replaced by following steps 1 to 3 in the previous section. - To update a basic scene, just replace **MainCamera** with the **Pvr_UnitySDK** prefab. .. image:: _static/5.1.png Figure 17 - A project containing an Oculus GearVrControllerTest scene. Follow the steps below to replace the Oculus SDK with the Pico SDK in a UI scene: - 1. Delete the OVR components including **EventSystem**: .. image:: _static/5.2.png Figure 18 – Deleting OVR components. 2. Delete the OVR scripts and **Mask**: .. image:: _static/5.3.png Figure 19 – Deleting the scripts and Mask. - 3. Drag **Pvr_UnitySDK** and **ControllerManager** from **Pvr_Controller_UI** into the scene: .. image:: _static/5.4.png Figure 20 – Adding Pvr_UnitySDK and ControllerManager to the scene. - 4. Set the **Canvas** and add the **Pvr_UICanvas** script and **Graphic Raycaster** to **LightCanvas**: .. image:: _static/5.5.png Figure 21 – Setting the Canvas and adding the Pvr_UICanvas script and Graphic Raycaster. - 5. Build and install the application.