Method 2. Unity methods be invoked passively by JAR file using UnitySendMessage

1. Writing JAR file

    1. import classes.jar to app -> libs, right click it and choose Add As Library

path of classes.jar :

[your unity intall path]\Editor\Data\PlaybackEngines\AndroidPlayer\Variations\mono\Release\Classes

    1. inherit UnityPlayerActivity class
    1. call UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage(String objectName, String methodName, String methodParameter) to invoke Unity methods.

eg: send Bluetooth state change state once u receive the broadcast.

… …
switch (message) {
  case BluetoothAdapter.STATE_OFF:
    UnityPlayer.UnitySendMessage("SetState", "setBluetoothState", "bt_state_off");
… …
    1. Comment out the line setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
    1. Add the following code in the app-> build.gradle root node (which is the same level as android and dependencies).
task createJarDebug(type: Jar,dependsOn: ['build']) {
  baseName "test"
  from 'build/intermediates/javac/debug/compileDebugJavaWithJavac/classe        s'
//add the following code if you want to obfuscate code
task proguard(type: proguard.gradle.ProGuardTask, dependsOn: buildJar) {
  //  input path
  injars "build/libs/test.jar"
  //  output path
  outjars "lib/testProguard.jar"
  //  add config info
  configuration ''
    1. In Android Terminal, type gradlew createJarDebug

You need to generate the conflation package by typing gradlew createJarDebug proguard

If prompted build success, the package succeeds

Jar package path: app/build/libs/test.jar

Copy to Unity engineer and tell them package name. Class name, interface name

2. Define the methods to be invoked in Unity project

    1. Copy the JAR file to Assets/Plugins/Android/ path
    1. To be invoked by UnitySendMessage(String objectName, String method same, String methodParameter) method in the JAR file, In Unity project please create a GameObject by name of objectName, and add a script that include the method by name of methodName, which has the same type of the input parameter as methodParameter. Please refer to the example codes below:
public class test : MonoBehaviour {
  public Text wifiText;
  public void setWifiState(string s)
    wifiText.text = s;